It seems to be all going up in smoke as the oil price heads for the stars. Interestingly, I always cycle past the petrol station in the picture. A couple of days ago, I cycled past two old ladies near the petrol station. They were headed to a funeral I guess, because they were dressed in black, which is not a usual fashion colour for old ladies in Japan. If old ladies can cycle to such an auspicious (though sad) occasion, who has an excuse not to? Indeed its all in the mind.
When the extreme adverse weather is unleashed, and the sea bubbles onto the land, and new deserts are born, and disease ranges shift, then, I would guess, there will be no cries of 'but I love my car'. The dice will have been cast, the outcome unchangeable, and we will have to do whatever it takes: much greater use of mass (public) transit systems of transport, walking, cycling, stay home, source our products from close-by...
If this is very likely our inevitable destination, why not behave now as if the dice had already been cast?... because it has.
Watch the 52 minute documentary: 'The End of Suburbia' if you can find it somewhere (It seems to be on and